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Radical Pro-Abortion Warnock

Because of your help, today our ads are running in Georgia. We will advertise on a total of eight gospel radio stations to reach black voters. Rev. Raphael Warnock has been called the most radical candidate to ever run for US Senate. Jon Ossoff is really no different ideologically. Neither Ossoff nor Warnock should be allowed anywhere near the Senate. They are both far out of the main stream of American political thought. The voters of Georgia hold traditional values, and must not allow these two radicals to represent them. STAND America PAC is pulling out all the stops to make sure they are defeated on January 5th. Please send the largest contribution you can afford. The more you send, the more we can do.

Just last year the Georgia legislature passed and Governor Brian Kemp signed Georgia House Bill 481, also known as the Living Infants Fairness Equality (LIFE) Act which prohibits abortion after six weeks or after there is a fetal heartbeat. This was a giant step toward protecting the lives of unborn children in Georgia. Planned Parenthood, which has endorsed both Warnock and Ossoff, sued and Obama-appointed Federal District Court Judge Steve Michael Jones struck down the law as unconstitutional. Warnock should be particularly ashamed. He is a black American and a Pastor who surely knows that 36% of the babies aborted are black. He must know that Margaret Sanger was a racist and elitist who was committed to stopping the growth of the black population, first with eugenics and later with the more marketable concept of “planned parenthood.” She would have been more truthful if she called it “planned death.” Warnock knows, but he doesn’t care. He’s too busy enriching his campaign coffers with Planned Parenthood blood money earned by killing innocent babies. Click this link to hear the pro-life spot that exposes Warnock’s complicity in Sanger’s genocidal evil.

The so called “Rev.” Warnock poses as someone concerned about the future of the black community, but he is a paid mouthpiece for the most racist organization in America - Planned Parenthood - which has led the abortion industry in killing 20 million black babies. Radio spots in Atlanta are almost $500 per sixty second spot. In Savanah 60 second spots run $100 each. The other stations are much less expensive. With your help, we are going to cover the entire state of Georgia through eight gospel radio stations. According to Pew research the most effective way to reach black voters is through gospel radio because 80 percent of voters in the black community are church goers who listen to those stations. Yet no other conservative organization is targeting the black community in Georgia. This is politically strategic and cost effective compared to the millions of dollars being spent. Your contribution of $20 will buy one spot on the more modestly priced stations. A donation $100 will cover a full day of advertising, including morning and afternoon drive time. If you can afford to help us in Atlanta with a larger contribution, that of course will expand our ability to do more in the most populous part of the state. Any donation of any size will be appreciated because you are not alone. Your are joining with hundreds of others to make a difference.

We don’t need to win the black vote. We simply need to give those voters information they won’t get through the mainstream media. We need to prick their consciences with the facts about how evil Warnock and his echo chamber Ossoff are. We will convince some of them to vote Republican. Others will merely refuse to vote for these radical Democrats. Either way, 1 or 2% of black vote or even a few thousand votes in a close face could make the difference. Thank you for your unswerving patriotism and determination. Together we will defeat the Marxist death cult of the Democrat Party. We will one day be a nation which honors the lives of our pre-born children. For now, we must win the battle before us. God bless you and your family, and may He continue to bless the United States of America to remain a shining city on a hill and the last best hope of earth.

For God & Country,

Bishop E.W. Jackson Sr. Chairman STAND America PAC


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